Free Stuff!
This is where you will find free downloads and webinar recordings. New additions will be added regularly so please keep checking in or subscribe and be the first to know when new content is available!

Free Webinar
How to Improve Female Sexual Vitality: Understanding how sleep and stress affects sexual vitality and exploring how to improve these using functional and lifestyle medicine.
In this 50 minute webinar we will take a journey together and explore specifically how stress and poor sleep quality affects women and their hormones and how by improving just these two areas you can have a profound impact on your hormones, your sexual vitality and general wellbeing.

Free Webinar
Weight Gain in Perimenopause and Menopause. Why it happens and how to manage it!
In this 40 minute webinar I look at the causes behind weight gain during perimenopause and menopause and how to tackle it. At the end I also talk about the latest weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy. This is a really big topic with many lifestyle factors affecting weight at this time in life. Please remember that this is a brief and simplified explanation. For more in-depth analysis and 1:1 support please book in with me. See the Working Together page for how to do this. Enjoy!

In-person day course!
An Introduction to Tantra
A gentle one day course for women only to learn about the beautiful practice of Tantra. This course will dispel the urban myths about tantra only being for cult-like, partner swapping, group-sex mad hairy hippies (although nothing wrong with that if it floats your boat! but this course is NOT that!). This day will explore and explain the very female-focussed practice of Tantra and explain the principles that underpin the practice. It is a wonderful introduction if you have ever been curious about what Tantra is or you are looking for a new way to improve or increase your sexual understanding and expression. This will be a fun, light-hearted day and is perfect for women who are 40+ years old. Lunch and tea and coffee included!